Mindset first, Actions Second
Who taught you to think? You’re thinking all day. How are you thinking? Is it useful or does your life harder?
The mind is like a muscle. The most you use it in a certain, the more that gets reinforced in that direction.
When we are on our usual auto-pilot, we just kind of think automatically. We developed ways of thinking as our own particular hard-wiring interacted and picked it up from what we saw growing up. This auto-pilot might not be very useful to be happy or have a fulfilling life.
We know that our thoughts create our reality. Our own perception and thoughts change our entire life experience. Here, we take a look at the latest findings in modern neurology along with some timeless wisdom of ancient philosophy to understand really how powerful our brain is wired.
We practice basic self-awareness to look at the components that made us who we are today and we learn what we can do to train our brains to think in ways that actually help us get where we want to go and enjoy life.
For this though, it is essential that we elevate our level of consciousness, that is, raise our awareness of our own selves. Once our mind becomes conscious of what our mind is doing (mind inception!), we achieve the first step in having our mind be at OUR service, rather than being a victim of its default functioning.
This is what differentiates humans from animals: Consciousness.
Let’s learn to think in a way that allows us to use our to our advantage.
From 1.5 to 3 hours.
What you’ll get:
- Create a mindset that works for you
- Increased self-awareness
- Enhanced perception of reality
- Understand the hardwiring and function of our brain
- Tools to have your brain work for you
- What you can do to get out of your own way
Who is this for?
- Anyone who wants to upskill their mind
- Anyone who wants to change their life, be more successful or develop resilience
Don’t be a slave to your own mind. Train it to work for you, not against you.